E22 – Lions in our sea
Lionfish have invaded the Mediterranean sea and the entire Lebanese coast. سمكة الأسد تجتاح الشاطئ اللبناني
Lionfish have invaded the Mediterranean sea and the entire Lebanese coast. سمكة الأسد تجتاح الشاطئ اللبناني
Klepetan and Malena are two storks with a heartwarming story.
الحلقة الثالثة – المفاهيم الخاطئة حول داء الكلب. Rabies is a deadly disease. In this segment, we explore common myths surrounding this disease. الكَلَب مرض مميت. في هذه الحلقة نتطرق لبعض المفاهيم الخاطئة و الشائعة حول هذا المرض.
He is 35 years old. With my guest Chadi Kachi. Jordan is an African Grey parrot that suffered from severe health issues that resulted in self mutilation, this is his story.
Animal Tails is a weekly live show broadcast on Future TV Lebanon. The show includes segments about dog training, animal care, wild animals, underwater wildlife as well animal welfare.
At first glance, you might think the owner is doing him good by allowing him to breathe fresh air and enjoy the sun. But if you look closely, the dog is petrified! He has a prong around his neck and is tied up with a chain to the car leaving him little…
Here are few tips to consider on how to keep your furry family member safe during car rides; Use crash-tested crates. Think of it this way, if you were to buy a camping tent for yourself, the main factors you’d consider are: The size; you need to fit comfortably Air circulation; so you don’t suffocate…
A friend calls me asking me to join her for a trip to the Zoo to help educate the school kids about the animals. Kids love seeing Animals, right? Do you know the secrets behind live animal exhibitions? Here are 6 secrets nobody wants you to know: 1 – Live Animal Exhibitions are bad for…
// You think I’m not the same dog anymore? Did I become slow and boring? Is everybody telling you that I have changed? Well let me explain few things : If I don’t play with you as much as I did before , it’s not because I don’t enjoy your company anymore . I still…
// Entrevue par Jessy Khoury à la MTV Liban (en Arabe) J’ai adopté un chien. Une boule de bonheur qui s’appelle Xander. Depuis, ma vie a changé; mon mode de vie et de pensée aussi. J’ai adopté un chien j’ai voulu l’éduquer mais nous avons tous deux appris. J’ai appris qu’avoir un chien c’est…